Cloudbeds Acquires Whistle, Moves to Solve Friction in Guest Journey

No. 1 PMS and No. 1 guest messaging platform join forces to integrate guest engagement solutions seamlessly into day-to-day lodging business operations

Cloudbeds Acquires Whistle

No. 1 PMS and No. 1 guest messaging platform join forces to integrate guest engagement solutions seamlessly into day-to-day lodging business operations

SAN DIEGO, June 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cloudbeds, the hospitality management platform powering more reservations and happier guests for lodging businesses around the globe, announced today at HITEC 2022 the acquisition of the industry’s leading guest engagement solution, Whistle. Together, the companies will integrate their best-in-class technologies to remove friction points in the guest journey through a single platform.

“The term contactless is becoming far too synonymous with hospitality,” said Richard Castle, COO and Co-Founder of Cloudbeds. “We want more contact between lodging businesses and their guests to create purposeful touchpoints, answer questions and provide guidance through the entire guest journey. Research shows that engaged guests spend more, leave better reviews and the majority prefer to communicate via digital channels — Whistle makes it all possible. Whether it’s a booking engine chat or front desk text request, Whistle positions Cloudbeds customers to be a part of the guest journey from discovery to post-stay, removing barriers that might hinder a booking or positive review.”

Whistle leads the industry in guest engagement with unified communication tools, digitized arrival experiences and more. Current customers include major hospitality brands and hoteliers around the world, including Choice Hotels, Accor, IHG and Four Sisters Inns, among others. Founded in 2015, the company has been rated the no. 1 guest messaging software by Hotel Tech Report for five consecutive years.

Whistle will play an important role in the company’s vision for creating a fully frictionless solution that enables guests to engage with lodging businesses on their own terms. Simultaneously, it will give lodging businesses a unified platform to more efficiently manage points of contact throughout the entire guest journey.

“Our goal has always been to give lodging businesses a unique, easy-to-use solution that simplifies and streamlines the way they communicate,” said Christopher Hovanessian, CEO and Co-Founder of Whistle. “Cloudbeds has a clear vision for building a better, more frictionless hospitality experience via a unified platform. Together, we can make a greater impact on the industry that benefits not only the guest, but also the property staff and the lodging business itself.”

Following its Series D funding announcement in November, Cloudbeds has doubled down on its commitment to “more reservations, happier guests” with three acquisitions and the introduction of several new product offerings to address major pain points for both operators and guests. Driven by an aggressive product roadmap, the company has nearly tripled in size over the past year, with more solutions set to roll out in Q3 designed to help hoteliers grow their businesses.

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Cloudbeds will share further details about the acquisition at HITEC 2022 in Orlando, during a press event at 1:30 p.m. ET in Booth # 1701 on Tuesday, June 28.

About Cloudbeds
Cloudbeds provides the platform that powers hospitality, driving streamlined operations, increasing reservations and revenue, and enabling memorable guest experiences for lodging businesses of all sizes and types across the globe. The award-winning Cloudbeds Hospitality Platform seamlessly combines solutions for front desk, revenue, distribution, guest acquisition, and guest engagement in a single unified system, enhanced by a marketplace of third-party integrations. Cloudbeds was named No. 1 PMS and No. 1 Hotel Management System by Hotel Tech Report in 2022 and recognized by Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 in 2021. For more information, visit

Angela Petersen

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:


Cloudbeds acquiert Whistle, et résout les problèmes de friction dans le parcours des clients

Le PMS n°1 et la plateforme de messagerie client n°1 unissent leurs forces pour intégrer de manière transparente les solutions d’engagement des clients dans les opérations quotidiennes de l’hébergement

Cloudbeds acquiert Whistle

Le PMS n°1 et la plateforme de messagerie client n°1 unissent leurs forces pour intégrer les solutions d’engagement client de manière transparente dans les opérations quotidiennes d’hébergement

SAN DIEGO, 27 juin 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cloudbeds, la plateforme de gestion hôtelière qui alimente de plus en plus de réservations et de clients heureux pour les entreprises d’hébergement du monde entier, a annoncé aujourd’hui lors de l’HITEC 2022 l’acquisition de Whistle, le leader en solution d’engagement des clients du secteur. Ensemble, les entreprises intégreront leurs meilleures technologies pour éliminer les points de friction dans le parcours client à travers une plateforme unique.

« Le terme “sans contact” est de plus en plus synonyme d’hospitalité », a déclaré Richard Castle, directeur de l’exploitation et cofondateur de Cloudbeds. « Nous voulons davantage de contacts entre les entreprises d’hébergement et leurs clients pour créer des points de contact utiles, répondre aux questions et fournir des conseils tout au long du parcours client. Les recherches indiquent que les clients engagés dépensent plus, laissent de meilleurs commentaires et la majorité préfère communiquer via les canaux numériques : Whistle rend tout cela possible. Qu’il s’agisse d’une discussion sur le moteur de réservation ou d’une commande par message, Whistle positionne les clients de Cloudbeds pour qu’ils fassent partie du parcours du client, de la découverte à l’après-séjour, supprimant les obstacles qui pourraient entraver une réservation ou un avis positif. »

Whistle est le leader du secteur en matière d’engagement des clients avec des outils de communication unifiés, des expériences d’arrivée numérisées et plus encore. Les clients actuels comprennent de grandes marques hôtelières et des hôteliers du monde entier, notamment Choice Hotels, Accor, IHG et Four Sisters Inns, entre autres. Fondée en 2015, la société a été classée « logiciel de messagerie client n°1 » par Hotel Tech Report pendant cinq années consécutives.

Whistle jouera un rôle important dans la vision de la société pour créer une solution totalement sans friction qui permet aux clients de s’engager avec les entreprises d’hébergement à leurs propres conditions. En même temps, cela permettra aux entreprises d’hébergement d’accéder à une plateforme unifiée pour gérer plus efficacement les points de contact tout au long du parcours client.

« Notre objectif a toujours été de fournir aux entreprises d’hébergement une solution unique et facile à utiliser qui simplifie et rationalise leur façon de communiquer », a déclaré Christopher Hovanessian, PDG et cofondateur de Whistle. « Cloudbeds a une vision claire pour construire une meilleure expérience hôtelière sans heurts via une plateforme unifiée. Ensemble, nous pouvons avoir un impact plus important sur l’industrie qui profite non seulement au client, mais aussi au personnel de l’établissement et à l’entreprise d’hébergement elle-même. »

Suite à l’annonce de son financement de série D en novembre, Cloudbeds a doublé son engagement à « davantage de réservations, des clients plus heureux » avec trois acquisitions et l’introduction de plusieurs nouvelles offres de produits visant à résoudre les principaux problèmes des opérateurs et des clients. Axée sur une feuille de route de produits agressive, la société a presque triplé en taille au cours de l’année écoulée, avec davantage de solutions devant être déployées au troisième trimestre, conçues pour aider les hôteliers à développer leurs activités.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez vous rendre sur le site

Cloudbeds partagera de plus amples détails sur l’acquisition à l’HITEC 2022 à Orlando, lors d’une conférence de presse à 13 h 30 HE au stand n° 1701 le mardi 28 juin.

À propos de Cloudbeds
Cloudbeds fournit la plateforme qui alimente l’hôtellerie, stimulant des opérations rationalisées, augmentant les réservations et les revenus et permettant des expériences clients mémorables pour les entreprises d’hébergement de toutes tailles et de tous types à travers le monde. La plateforme primée d’hôtellerie Cloudbeds combine de manière transparente des solutions pour la réception, les revenus, la distribution, l’acquisition d’invités et l’engagement des clients dans un seul système unifié, amélioré par une place de marché d’intégrations tierces. Cloudbeds a été nommée n° 1 PMS et n°1 des systèmes de gestion hôtelière par Hotel Tech Report en 2022 et reconnue par Technology Fast 500 de Deloitte en 2021. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez vous rendre sur le site

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Angela Petersen

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué de presse est disponible à l’adresse :

Cloudbeds Adquire Whistle para Remover Pontos de Atrito da Jornada do Hóspede

A plataforma de mensagens de hóspedes nº 1 e a PMS nº 1 unem forças para integrar perfeitamente as soluções de engajamento dos hóspedes nas operações comerciais diárias de hospedagem

Cloudbeds Adquire Whistle

A plataforma de mensagens de hóspedes nº 1 e a PMS nº 1 unem forças para integrar perfeitamente as soluções de engajamento dos hóspedes nas operações comerciais diárias de hospedagem

SAN DIEGO, June 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Cloudbeds, a plataforma de gerenciamento de hospitalidade que viabiliza um maior número de reservas e de hóspedes mais satisfeitos para empresas de hospedagens de todo o mundo, anunciou hoje na HITEC 2022 a aquisição da principal solução de engajamento de hóspedes do setor, a Whistle. Juntas, as empresas integrarão suas melhores tecnologias em uma única plataforma para remover pontos de atrito da jornada dos hóspedes.

“O termo sem contato está se tornando um sinônimo de hospitalidade”, disse Richard Castle, COO e Cofundador da Cloudbeds. “Queremos mais contato entre as empresas de hospedagem e seus hóspedes para que possamos criar pontos de contato propositais, responder perguntas e fornecer orientação durante toda a jornada do hóspede. As pesquisas indicam que hóspedes engajados gastam mais, elogiam mais, com a maioria preferindo se comunicar através de canais digitais. A Whistle possibilita isso tudo. Seja um bate-papo durante a reserva ou solicitação de texto da recepção, a Whistle viabiliza que os clientes da Cloudbeds façam parte da jornada dos hóspedes, desde à descoberta até à estadia, removendo barreiras que podem dificultar uma reserva ou avaliação positiva.”

A Whistle lidera a indústria de engajamento dos hóspedes com suas ferramentas de comunicação unificadas, experiências de chegada digitalizadas e muito mais. Seus clientes incluem grandes marcas de hospitalidade e hoteleiros de todo o mundo, incluindo Choice Hotels, Accor, IHG e Four Sisters Inns, entre outros. Fundada em 2015, a empresa é classificada como o software número 1 de mensagens para hóspedes pela Hotel Tech Report há cinco anos consecutivos.

A Whistle terá um papel importante na visão da empresa de criação de uma solução totalmente sem atrito que permita que os hóspedes se envolvam com as empresas de hospedagem como queiram. Por outro lado, ela irá proporcionar para as empresas de hospedagem uma plataforma unificada para um gerenciamento mais eficiente dos pontos de contato durante toda a jornada do hóspede.

“Nosso objetivo sempre foi oferecer para as empresas de hospedagem uma solução única e fácil de usar que simplifique e agilize as comunicações”, disse Christopher Hovanessian, CEO e cofundador da Whistle. “A Cloudbeds tem uma visão clara da construção de uma experiência de hospitalidade melhor e sem atrito por meio de uma plataforma unificada. Juntos, podemos ter um impacto maior em uma indústria que beneficia o hóspede e também a equipe da propriedade e a própria empresa de hospedagem.”

Após ou anúncio do financiamento da Série D em novembro, a Cloudbeds reafirmou seu compromisso de proporcionar “mais reservas e hóspedes mais satisfeitos” com três aquisições e a introdução de várias novas ofertas de produtos para abordar os principais pontos problemáticos para os operadores e hóspedes. Impulsionada por um planejamento de produtos competitivos, a empresa quase triplicou de tamanho no ano passado. Mais soluções projetadas para ajudar os hoteleiros a ampliar seus negócios devem ser implementadas no terceiro trimestre.

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Cloudbeds irá fornecer mais detalhes sobre a aquisição na HITEC 2022 em Orlando, durante uma coletiva com a imprensa às 13h30 ET no estande # 1701 na terça-feira, 28 de junho.

Sobre a Cloudbeds
A Cloudbeds fornece a plataforma que capacita a hospitalidade com operações simplificadas, aumentando o número de reservas e a receita, e proporcionando experiências memoráveis para os hóspedes de empresas de hospedagens de todos os tamanhos e tipos em todo o mundo. A premiada Cloudbeds Hospitality Platform combina integralmente as soluções para recepção, receita, distribuição, aquisição de hóspedes e envolvimento de hóspedes em um único sistema unificado, aprimorado por um mercado de integrações de terceiros. A Cloudbeds foi escolhida a PMS Nº 1 e o Sistema de Gestão Hoteleira Nº 1 pela Hotel Tech Report em 2022 e incluída na Technology Fast 500 da Deloitte em 2021. Para mais informação, visite

Angela Petersen

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Le G20 ambitieux sur le plan de déploiement du fonds contre les pandémies cette année

YOGYAKARTA, Indonésie27 juin 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Les ministres des Finances et de la Santé des 20 plus grandes économies du monde conviennent d’établir un fonds pandémique révolutionnaire pour aider le monde à mieux prévenir, se préparer et répondre aux futures pandémies.

Indonesian Health Minister gave remarks at the 1st G20 JFHMM

Le ministre indonésien de la Santé, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, et le ministre des Finances, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, ont coprésidé la 1ère réunion conjointe des ministres des Finances et de la Santé du G20 (JFHMM), au cours de laquelle les États membres du G20 ont convenu de la création d’un Fonds intermédiaire financier (FIF) pour la préparation, la prévention et la réponse aux pandémies (PPR), sous la tutelle de la Banque mondiale et les conseils techniques de l’OMS.

« Je suis heureux d’annoncer qu’un engagement de plus de 1,1 milliard de dollars a été obtenu pour le Fonds intermédiaire financier pour la PPR pandémique. » a déclaré le ministre Mulyani. L’Indonésie s’engage à contribuer à hauteur de 50 millions de dollars, Singapour à hauteur de 10 millions de dollars, les États-Unis à hauteur de 450 millions de dollars, l’Union européenne à hauteur de 450 millions de dollars, l’Allemagne à hauteur de 50 millions d’euros (52,7 millions de dollars) et Wellcome Trust à hauteur de 10 millions de livres (12,3 millions de dollars). Les États membres du G20 ont également souligné que le fonds serait inclusif par nature et permettrait aux pays à revenu moyen et faible d’y avoir accès.

La conclusion du JFHMM sera également discutée lors de la prochaine réunion des ministres des Finances et des gouverneurs des banques centrales (FMCBG) le mois prochain et fera l’objet d’un suivi lors de la prochaine réunion du groupe de travail conjoint Finances-Santé (JFHTF).

Le ministre indonésien de la santé, M. Budi, a souligné que le JFHTF du G20 a progressé dans la discussion de l’idée de la création d’un FIF qui a été introduite pour la première fois pendant la présidence italienne du G20 en 2021. « Je suis convaincu que nous obtiendrons des résultats concrets d’ici octobre, ce qui inclut l’établissement de la FIF et la collaboration avec la plateforme de coordination », a déclaré le ministre Budi.

Les deux réunions ont également convenu de la vérification universelle des certificats de vaccination COVID-19, des protocoles sanitaires pour faciliter la mobilité mondiale, et de l’expansion du Centre mondial de fabrication et de recherche pour la PPR, en particulier la production de vaccins, de produits thérapeutiques et de diagnostics devant avoir lieu dans les pays en développement.

Le directeur général de l’OMS, le Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, la Banque mondiale, GAVI, CEPI, le Fonds mondial et la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates ont assisté à la réunion. Le Dr Tedros a déclaré que la FIF doit également être cohérente avec les autres initiatives mondiales en matière de santé. « Cette plateforme doit s’appuyer sur l’expérience de l’ACT Accelerator, du cadre de lutte contre la grippe pandémique et d’autres mécanismes. Il s’agit d’un axe important du volet santé du G20 sous la direction du ministre Budi », a-t-il déclaré.

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Over 70 Percent Of Egyptian New Capital’s First Phase Completed: Cabinet

CAIRO – The Egyptian cabinet announced yesterday that, more than 70 percent of the structural works, in the first stage of the New Administrative Capital (NAC), have been completed.

According to the New Administrative Capital Company, the state-run company that oversees the construction of the new city, more than 70 percent of the NAC’s first phase, which spans an area of about 40,000 acres, was finalised.

Between 70 and 90 percent of the construction of 10 residential neighbourhoods in the city has been completed. Additionally, a number of giant projects have almost been completed, including the government district, the financial and business district, as well as, the Central Business District (CBD), the media centre of the Egyptian cabinet said in a statement.

Being built some 50 km east of the Egyptian capital, Cairo, the CBD, with its Iconic Tower, the most striking skyscraper in the district, is being constructed by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation.

Egypt’s new administrative capital is designed to relocate major government institutions, from the increasingly congested and overpopulated capital of Cairo, which is home to about one-fifth of the country’s 100 million population.

The Egyptian government also expects the new capital would create around two million jobs.


G7 aims to raise US$600 billion to counter China’s Belt and Road

SCHLOSS ELMAU (Germany)— Group of Seven leaders pledged to raise US$600 billion in private and public funds over five years to finance needed infrastructure in developing countries and counter China’s older, multitrillion-dollar Belt and Road project.

US President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders relaunched the newly renamed “Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment” at their annual gathering being held this year at Schloss Elmau in southern Germany.

Biden said the United States would mobilise US$200 billion in grants, federal funds and private investment over five years to support projects in low- and middle-income countries that help tackle climate change as well as improve global health, gender equity and digital infrastructure.

“I want to be clear. This isn’t aid or charity. It’s an investment that will deliver returns for everyone,” Biden said, adding that it would allow countries to “see the concrete benefits of partnering with democracies”.

Biden said hundreds of billions of additional dollars could come from multilateral development banks, development finance institutions, sovereign wealth funds and others.

Europe will mobilise €300 billion for the initiative over the same period to build up a sustainable alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative scheme, which Chinese President Xi Jinping launched in 2013, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the gathering.

The leaders of Italy, Canada and Japan also spoke about their plans, some of which have already been announced separately. French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson were not present, but their countries are also participating.

China’s investment scheme involves development and programmes in over 100 countries aimed at creating a modern version of the ancient Silk Road trade route from Asia to Europe.

White House officials said the plan has provided little tangible benefit for many developing countries.

Biden highlighted several flagship projects, including a US$2 billion solar development project in Angola with support from the Commerce Department, the US Export-Import Bank, US firm AfricaGlobal Schaffer, and US project developer Sun Africa.

Together with G7 members and the EU, Washington will also provide US$3.3 million in technical assistance to Institut Pasteur de Dakar in Senegal as it develops an industrial-scale flexible multi-vaccine manufacturing facility in that country that can eventually produce COVID-19 and other vaccines, a project that also involves the EU.

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) will also commit up to US$50 million over five years to the World Bank’s global Childcare Incentive Fund.

Friederike Roder, vice president of the non-profit group Global Citizen, said the pledges of investment could be “a good start” toward greater engagement by G7 countries in developing nations and could underpin stronger global growth for all.

G7 countries on average provide only 0.32 per cent of their gross national income, less than half of the 0.7 per cent promised, in development assistance, she said.

“But without developing countries, there will be no sustainable recovery of the world economy,” she said.


Violence at Spanish enclave sparks fear of worse to come

NADOR (Morocco)— A massive attempt by migrants to storm the barrier between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla resulted in “unprecedented violence” that killed at least 23 sub-Saharan Africans and has sparked fears of worse to come.

“It was like a war, we were holding rocks, little rocks, to fight the Moroccan military, who beat us by any means, with sticks,” said a 20-year-old Sudanese migrant at a detention centre inside Melilla.

“I climbed up the fence but a Moroccan guard hit my hands. I fell unconscious on the Spanish side, where I was beaten up by Spanish forces,” said another.

They were among 2,000 migrants who on Friday stormed the heavily fortified border between the Moroccan region of Nador and the enclave of Melilla.

At least 23 migrants died and 140 police officers were wounded, according to Moroccan authorities – the heaviest toll in years of such attempts.

Many of the migrants, often from war-torn zones such as Sudan’s Darfur region, have spent months or even years under precarious, dangerous conditions in the nearby forest of Gourougou, braving beatings and arrests in multiple attempts to reach better lives in Spain.

But observers said the latest attempt was unprecedented in the level of violence.

“It’s the first time that we see this level of violence by migrants themselves against security forces,” said Omar Naji from the Nador office of the AMDH rights group.

The violence has heightened fears among Moroccans in the area.

“We’re terrorised by what happened,” said Issame Ouaaid, 24, from the border district of Barrio Chino.

“It’s the first time that we’ve seen migrants carrying iron rods to fight with the police.”

Naji linked the level of violence to a recent mending of ties between Spain and Morocco, leading to renewed cooperation against migrants and stricter enforcement.

Morocco, the only African country sharing a land border with the EU, is a key conduit for migrants fleeing war and poverty.

But the kingdom has also been accused – by Spain – of using migration flows as a tool to exert political pressure.

In May 2021, some 10,000 migrants surged across the border into Spain’s other enclave, Ceuta, as Moroccan border guards looked the other way, in what was widely seen as a punitive gesture by Rabat in a political row over the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

The two countries’ resumption of ties earlier this year after a convergence on Western Sahara has led to “an intensification of pressures” against migrants living rough in the forested hills near the border, Naji said.

Recent months have seen a fall in the numbers of migrants reaching Spanish territory, according to Madrid.

“The Moroccan authorities treat migrants very harshly, raiding their camps,” Naji said.

“There’s no doubt that this pressure has generated the unprecedented violence we’re seeing.”

Before Friday’s incident, Spanish media reported several clashes between migrants and security forces, who had chased away residents of camps and transferred some away from the border region.

For Othmane Ba, president of an association for sub-Saharan African migrants in Morocco, “the difficult conditions these migrants are facing condition them psychologically for violence”.

A majority of migrants arriving in Morocco are originally from Sudan, particularly the Darfur region where a new spike in violence has left 125 people dead and 50,000 displaced.

On their way to Morocco, many pass through Libya, notorious for rights abuses by armed groups against migrants.

Once they arrive in Morocco, many are willing to risk their lives to reach Europe.

“There are people here who have been waiting for two or three years” to get across, Naji said.

Moroccan authorities said Sunday they had foiled a plot by migrants to cross the border into Ceuta, making 59 arrests.

But, Naji said, “Morocco can’t totally close its borders and play the role of police force for Europe. That policy can only lead to more violence.”


AU chief condemns deadly ‘mistreatment’ of African migrants at Morocco – Spain border

ADDIS ABABA— Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, has condemned racist treatment of some Africans who were seeking to cross from Morocco into Spain.

“I express my deep shock and concern at the violent and degrading treatment of African migrants attempting to cross an international border from Morocco into Spain, with the ensuing violence leading to the deaths of at least 23 people and injuries to many more.”

Authorities said the individuals died on Friday as a result of a “stampede” after about 2,000 people tried to climb the iron fence that separates Morocco and Melilla, with some falling in the attempt.

The AU chief joined calls by rights groups for a probe into the matter.

“I call for an immediate investigation into the matter and remind all countries of their obligations under international law to treat all migrants with dignity and to prioritize their safety and human rights, while refraining from the use of excessive force,” he added.

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH), in a series of tweets on Saturday, called for a “comprehensive, quick and serious” investigation into Friday’s events and published videos of the aftermath of the attempted mass crossing.

The footage showed dozens of people lying by the border fence, some bleeding and many apparently lifeless as Moroccan security forces stood over them. In one of the clips, a Moroccan security officer appeared to use a baton to strike a person lying on the ground.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez meanwhile condemned the attempted mass crossing as a “violent assault” and an “attack on the territorial integrity” of Spain.

“If there is anyone responsible for everything that appears to have taken place at that border, it is the mafias that traffic in human beings,” he said.

A Spanish police source said the people who tried to cross the fence had used sticks, knives and acid against security forces and had changed tactics to try crossing at one perceived weak spot en masse, rather than in separate attempts along the fence.

Some 133 people made it across the border, while 176 Moroccan security officers and 49 Spanish border guards sustained injuries, authorities say.