Disease Outbreak News: Yellow fever – African Region (AFRO) (3 January 2023)
This is an update on the yellow fever situation in the WHO African Region since the last disease outbreak news was published on 2 September
This is an update on the yellow fever situation in the WHO African Region since the last disease outbreak news was published on 2 September
Armed Escort Imposition and NegotiationsCountry Roundtable UpdatesRegional Updatea. Accra Initiativeb. European Humanitarian Forum (EHF)c. Lake Chad Basin ConferenceDisclaimerUN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsTo
Humanitarian actors provided life-saving assistance to 1.5 million people between January and September 2022, representing 75 per cent of the target for 2022.3.4 million people
Zohra stuffs packages of sliced bread, fresh fruit and canned vegetables into her shopping cart — free handouts she once never thought she would need.Other