US Sidelined by Chinese Influence Campaign in Africa

China’s global ambitions may have taken a hit in the United States, Europe, Australia, Japan and India, but in Africa, its sustained power and influence are forcing Washington to recalibrate its strategy toward the continent, home to 54 nations.

The United States recently committed $217 million to finance a power plant in Sierra Leone through the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation. When finished, this America-financed power plant will stand alongside eight key government structures China has built for Sierra Leone, including parliamentary offices, army and police headquarters, and the building that houses the West African country’s ministry of foreign affairs.

“It’s overstating to say that the continent has largely been taken over by China, though my assessment is that Beijing is the most influential foreign actor on the continent,” says Joshua Meservey, senior analyst for Africa and the Middle East at the Heritage Foundation.

“China does dominate certain important sectors,” Meservey told VOA, listing construction and telecoms among those sectors. But, he said, “the U.S. is still influential.”

In a study published in December 2020, Meservey presented a list of 186 government buildings that Chinese companies have built in Africa in recent years, many of which house parliamentary offices, presidential palaces, ministries of foreign affairs and military facilities. Beijing has also built more than a dozen intra-governmental telecommunication networks on the continent, Meservey noted.

While Washington has persuaded some allies to keep Chinese telecom giant Huawei out of their 5G networks, the company is working on 25 projects in Africa, having already carved out 70% of the continent’s 4G network and primed itself for the next step.

In June, the president of Senegal instructed his government to “rapidly repatriate all national data hosted out of the country” to a state data center built by Huawei.

“If you look at the Belt and Road, 50 African countries have signed up. That makes Africa the biggest bloc within China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI),” said Paul Nantulya, a research associate at the U.S. National Defense University’s Africa Studies Center, in a phone interview with VOA.

“The question then becomes, how does United States compete with China [on the African continent]?”

According to studies done by the China Africa Research Initiative based at Johns Hopkins University, Chinese foreign direct investment to Africa has been increasing steadily since 2003 and surpassed that of the U.S. in 2014. U.S. FDI to Africa has been declining since 2010, according to data collected by the group.

To beef up the U.S. overseas presence in the face of competition from China, a growing number of American thought leaders are calling for the government to rethink its role in strengthening U.S. corporate and strategic interests abroad.

“The genius, if you will, of the Chinese economic system is that they are working to align the company interest and the state interest together,” said Robert D. Atkinson, an economist who has served in both Democratic and Republican administrations. “What the Chinese have that we don’t is they have a strongly held view that certain industries are more important than others.”

Given that the Chinese government pours “massive subsidies” into these strategic sectors to fund its global expansion, Atkinson believes Washington could fight back by increasing foreign aid and backing private companies’ strategic ventures abroad.

“Does that mean we do everything China does? Of course not,” he said. The U.S. government should avoid “over-involvement,” he added, but “continuing what we have been doing is clearly not enough.”

Atkinson, who heads the Washington-based Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, believes there is a middle ground.

“The whole notion that we shouldn’t have our own national industrial policy – that’s an idea that only works if you’re not facing a competitor like China; the reality is, we are facing a competitor like China,” he said. “We can either get China to change – that’s not going to happen, we tried and failed – or we can adapt our own policies.”

Scott Morris, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, told VOA the aggregate U.S. foreign aid budget directed toward Africa “is around 25 to 30 billion dollars a year,” a figure he said “certainly rivals Chinese lending.”

But, he said, most of the U.S. aid goes to global health programs, disease eradication and humanitarian assistance. He also acknowledged that a significant portion of the U.S. foreign aid budget goes toward multilateral institutional lending and developmental agencies, such as the World Bank.

“Where we clearly see a difference is that China is very concentrated in the very area the U.S. is largely absent, and that is [country-to-country] infrastructure financing,” Morris said. “Allowing China to finance and/or control much of the enabling infrastructure in key sectors could harm U.S. prospects in Africa going forward.”

Nantulya thinks that America could benefit from a reevaluation of what the continent means for the United States.

“Do we view Africa as a partner? Do we view Africa as a place that generates security threats that must be met with military force? Or do we view Africa as a place that, yes, has its security problems, but where strategic opportunities outweigh security risks?”

While questions linger on the American side, he said, Beijing made up its mind what Africa means for its strategic aims long ago.

Nantulya said China’s official foreign policy doctrine casts big powers as the key, neighboring countries as the priority, developing countries as “the foundation” and “multilateral platforms as the stage.”

Cast in this light, Africa is a continent where China sees “tremendous opportunities in spite of risks” and has no doubt seized upon those opportunities in political, economic and military areas alike, Nantulya told VOA.

Ultimately, the challenge that China represents is “first and foremost ideological,” he said, and that this is where the United States has an opening to compete with Beijing on a continent where China is now widely regarded the most influential foreign power.

“Values matter; Africans are fighting for and championing the values that have also guided the American experiment and the American story,” said Nantulya, a native of Tanzania who studied in Kenya and South Africa and worked across the continent before moving to the United States.

He hopes that Americans can understand that the two sides have a shared future and look at the relationship as an opportunity, rather than one where the United States is constantly coming in to put out fires.

Source: Voice of America

JW Player Nomeia Veterano de Vídeo Digital David LaPalomento para Diretor de Tecnologia

A profunda experiência de David em tecnologia de vídeo digital irá ajudar a ampliar a equipe de engenharia e o desenvolvimento de produtos da JW Player para atender à crescente Economia de Vídeo Digital

NEW YORK, Aug. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A JW Player, principal plataforma de software de vídeo e insights de dados, anunciou hoje a nomeação de David LaPalomento para Diretor de Tecnologia, em caráter imediato. Essa contratação estratégica irá acelerar a inovação de produtos da JW Player para atender às necessidades de uma Economia de Vídeo Digital em rápido crescimento, e utilizando a recente infusão de US$100 milhões com o financiamento da Série E da LLR Partners.

“David provou ser um líder visionário no desenvolvimento e no dimensionamento de produtos inovadores de entrega de vídeo”, disse Dave Otten, CEO e cofundador da JW Player. “Não tenho dúvidas de que a experiência dele irá fortalecer a nossa posição de líder na inovação da indústria de vídeo digital. Com a liderança dele, poderemos ampliar nossas equipes de engenharia e lançar novos produtos no mercado que capacitem ainda mais os clientes com independência e controle na Economia de Vídeo Digital. Não poderíamos estar mais entusiasmados em tê-lo na nossa equipe.”

Durante seu mandato de uma década na Brightcove, David desenvolveu uma equipe de engenharia de categoria mundial para modernizar sua plataforma de entrega de vídeo. Ele liderou a revisão da arquitetura do data center legado da empresa, substituindo-o por uma arquitetura escalável, nativa da nuvem, e a migração de milhares de clientes para a nova plataforma. Sua liderança ajudou a triplicar a receita, lançar novos produtos e integrar aquisições para abordar novos segmentos de mercado. Sua experiência será inestimável para a ampliação da JW Player para atender ao crescimento explosivo da demanda por vídeos digitais que vem ocorrendo desde o início da pandemia.

“Estou muito contente em dar início ao próximo capítulo da minha carreira na JW Player”, disse David. “Chegamos a um ponto de inflexão em que todas as empresas com presença digital agora dependem de vídeo para engajar seu público e monetizar sua oferta. A JW Player criou a plataforma mais abrangente para o sucesso neste ecossistema de vídeo digital, com insights incomparáveis de consumo e dados contextuais, recursos de monetização, engajamento de ponta e experiências de vídeo de categoria mundial em qualquer tela. Estou pronto para ampliar esta plataforma para viabilizar novas inovações para o mercado.”

De acordo com os dados da JW Player de mais de 12.000 editoras e emissoras, o consumo de vídeo continuou a aumentar após a pandemia, aumentando quase 50% a partir de 2020 e 28,6% a partir de janeiro de 2021. A crescente demanda exigiu que as organizações de todos os tipos, incluindo de fitness, e-commerce, esportes e e-learning, desenvolvessem uma estratégia de vídeo robusta para o engajamento do público na tela da sua escolha: web, mobile ou TV conectada.

A plataforma de vídeo orientada por API da JW Player agora capacita centenas de milhares de clientes a controlar e operar independentemente seus aplicativos de vídeo móveis, OTT e Web em todo o mundo. Devemos ressaltar que a JW Player oferece insights exclusivos orientados a dados que capacitam os clientes a crescer, envolver e monetizar seus públicos de forma mais eficaz. Somente no último ano, a transmissão de vídeo da empresa aumentou quase 200%, enquanto a transmissão ao vivo aumentou mais de 400%.

Sobre a JW Player
A JW Player é a principal plataforma de software de vídeo e insights de dados que oferece aos clientes independência e controle na economia de vídeo digital de hoje. Criada em 2008 como um player de vídeo de código aberto extremamente popular, a plataforma tecnológica da JW Player agora alimenta vídeo digital de centenas de milhares de empresas, incluindo metade dos 50 principais sites da comScore nos EUA, principais emissoras em toda a EMEA, APAC e América Latina. Todos os meses, 1 bilhão de espectadores, ou um terço de todas as pessoas na Internet, consomem vídeo na tecnologia da JW Player em 2,7 bilhões de dispositivos, criando um gráfico de dados contextuais e de consumo incomparável e potente que ajuda os clientes a aumentar o público e gerar vídeo incremental a partir do vídeo digital. A empresa está localizada em Nova York e tem escritórios em Londres e Eindhoven. Visite

Contato com a Mídia:
Fatimah Nouilati
Scratch Marketing + Mídia em nome da JW Player

JW Player nomme David LaPalomento, grand spécialiste de la vidéo numérique, au poste de directeur de la technologie

La vaste expérience de M. LaPalomento en matière de technologie vidéo numérique contribuera à faire progresser l’équipe d’ingénierie et de développement de produits de JW Player afin de servir la croissance économique de ce secteur

NEW YORK, 18 août 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JW Player, première plateforme mondiale de logiciels vidéo et d’informations sur les données, a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination de David LaPalomento au poste de directeur technologique, avec effet immédiat. Ce recrutement stratégique accélèrera l’innovation des produits JW Player afin de répondre aux besoins économiques d’un secteur de la vidéo numérique en pleine croissance, en tirant parti de la récente injection de 100 millions USD en financement de série E issue de LLR Partners.

« David s’est révélé comme un leader visionnaire à la fois dans le développement et l’expansion de produits de diffusion vidéo innovants », a déclaré Dave Otten, Président-directeur général et cofondateur de JW Player. « Je ne doute pas que son expertise viendra renforcer notre position de force de premier plan en matière d’innovation dans l’industrie de la vidéo numérique. Grâce à son leadership, nous développerons nos équipes d’ingénierie et mettrons sur le marché de nouveaux produits qui renforcent l’indépendance et le contrôle des clients dans l’économie de la vidéo numérique. Nous ne pourrions pas être plus enthousiastes à l’idée de le compter au sein de notre équipe », a ajouté Dave Otten.

Au cours de sa carrière de dix années au sein de Brightcove, David a constitué une équipe d’ingénierie de classe mondiale pour moderniser sa plateforme de diffusion vidéo. Il a dirigé la mise à niveau de l’ancienne architecture de la société basée sur des centres de données et l’a remplacée par une architecture native du cloud et évolutive, tout en faisant migrer plusieurs milliers de clients vers la nouvelle plateforme. Son leadership a permis de tripler les revenus, d’inaugurer des produits inédits et d’intégrer des acquisitions en vue de répondre aux besoins de nouveaux segments de marché. Son expérience sera inestimable pour permettre à JW Player de se développer pour répondre à la croissance explosive de la demande en vidéo numérique depuis le début de la pandémie.

« Je suis heureux de débuter le prochain chapitre de ma carrière chez JW Player, a déclaré David LaPalomento. Nous avons atteint un point d’inflexion dans lequel chaque entreprise qui possède une présence numérique dépend désormais de la vidéo pour s’adresser à son public et monétiser son offre. JW Player a construit la plateforme la plus complète pour réussir dans cet écosystème vidéo numérique, grâce à des données contextuelles et de consommation inégalées, des fonctionnalités de monétisation et d’engagement de pointe, ainsi que des expériences vidéo de classe mondiale sur n’importe quel écran. Je me réjouis de pouvoir tirer parti de cette plateforme pour proposer de nouvelles innovations au marché », a-t-il conclu.

Selon les données de JW Player glanées auprès de plus de 12 000 éditeurs et diffuseurs, la consommation de vidéo n’a cessé de croître en conséquence de la pandémie, avec une hausse de près de 50 % depuis 2020 et 28,6 % depuis janvier 2021. Pour les entreprises de tous horizons, y compris les sociétés de fitness, de commerce en ligne, de sport et d’enseignement virtuel, cette croissance de la demande a rendu impératif la mise au point d’une stratégie vidéo robuste pour s’adresser à leurs publics sur l’écran de leur choix : Internet, mobile ou TV connectée.

Lancée sous la forme d’un lecteur vidéo en open-source extrêmement populaire, la plateforme vidéo pilotée par API de JW Player permet aujourd’hui à des centaines de milliers de clients de contrôler et d’exploiter de manière indépendante leurs applications vidéo mobiles, OTT et Web à l’échelle mondiale. Plus important encore, JW Player fournit des informations approfondies uniques dérivées des données, qui permettent aux clients de développer, contacter et monétiser plus efficacement leurs publics. Rien que l’année dernière, le streaming vidéo de la société a augmenté de près de 200 %, tandis que sa diffusion en direct a bondi de plus de 400 %.

À propos de JW Player
JW Player est la plus importante plateforme de logiciels vidéo et d’informations tirées de données qui apporte aux clients l’indépendance et le contrôle dans l’économie de la vidéo numérique d’aujourd’hui. Lancée en 2008 en tant que lecteur vidéo en open-source extrêmement populaire, la plateforme technologique de JW Player alimente désormais la vidéo numérique pour des centaines de milliers d’entreprises, dont la moitié des 50 plus grands sites de comScore aux États-Unis, des diffuseurs de premier plan à travers l’EMEA, l’APAC et l’Amérique latine. Chaque mois, 1 milliard de téléspectateurs, soit un tiers de l’ensemble des internautes, consomment des vidéos sur la technologie de JW Player à travers 2,7 milliards d’appareils, engendrant une consommation inégalée et puissante et un graphique de données contextuelles qui aide les clients à accroître leur audience et à générer des vidéos incrémentales à partir de vidéos numériques. La société a son siège social à New York, et possède des bureaux à Londres et à Eindhoven. Rendez-vous sur le site site

Contacts auprès des médias :
Fatimah Nouilati
Scratch Marketing + Media pour JW Player

COVID Has Heightened Conflict, Deepened Depression, Say Central African Leaders

YAOUNDE, CAMEROON – The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened problems of conflict, terrorism, and scarce resources in Central Africa to plunge millions of people deeper into poverty. That’s according to members of the regional bloc CEMAC. CEMAC heads of state Wednesday called for solidarity to improve living conditions in the six-nation economic bloc.

During a virtual heads of state summit Tuesday, the central African leaders said the advent of COVID-19 forced the closure of many businesses and caused millions of workers to lose their jobs.

Cameroon’s President Paul Biya is chairman of the CEMAC heads of state conference. He says it is regrettable that many people are reluctant to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Biya says it is not possible for CEMAC to attain herd immunity when fewer than 5% of its close to 60 million people have agreed to be vaccinated against COVID-19. He says CEMAC member states should make sure all their people are vaccinated against COVID-19 so that the economic bloc can get to the crucial point of revamping its economy to fight against hardship.

Christophe Mbelle is an economist at the University of Yaounde. He says the COVID-19 crisis increased unemployment by between 60% and 70% across CEMAC countries.

Not even pharmaceutical companies were immune to the effects of the pandemic.

Mbelle says local companies only produced 5% of medicines needed by central African countries last year. He says in 2020, CEMAC countries invested more than $269 million to import drugs from Europe and America. Mbelle says if not for COVID-19, he is sure the $269 million would have been invested in home industries to create jobs and improve the well-being of suffering civilians.

The six nations of CEMAC are dealing with multiple crises within their borders in addition to COVID-19. Cameroon and Chad are fighting Boko Haram terrorism on their common borders with Nigeria.

Cameroon is fighting armed separatists in its English-speaking western regions. The U.N. also says that rebels have continued to challenge authorities in the Central African Republic with unending clashes since 2014.

The region is also dealing with the effects of climate change. This week, CEMAC said several thousand people fled intercommunal violence sparked by conflicts over water from the Logone River that separates Cameroon from Chad. The Lake Chad Basin Commission says the lake’s water resources have diminished by 70% within the past 50 years, and several million people in the area lack water and food.

Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, issued a statement Tuesday after her virtual participation in the CEMAC summit from Washington. She said in 2020, COVID-19, combined with an ensuing decline in oil prices and security issues, had led to a deep recession and imposed a heavy toll on CEMAC member states.

She said the countries’ fiscal positions were weakened and external reserves depleted.

Georgieva said CEMAC must accelerate the vaccination campaign to ensure a sustainable economic recovery.

CEMAC anticipated a 2.8% economic growth rate in 2021. In April, though, the Bank of Central African States, which serves as the central bank for CEMAC countries, cut the anticipated growth rate to 1%, saying COVID-19 was slowing the economy.

Source: Voice of America

Africa’s First Youth Games Bring Hopes for Continent’s First Olympics

For decades, African athletes have traveled all over the world to take part in the Olympic Games. At the recent Tokyo Games, they took home gold, silver and bronze medals. And yet Africa has never hosted the?Games,?and some people are asking what?it would?take for the Olympics to be held on African soil. ?

In Kenya, thousands cheered on one of their favorite long-distance runners, Eliud Kipchoge, who won the gold medal in the men’s marathon.?One Kipchoge fan had?a?special request for the government: Develop the country’s sports infrastructure.???

“We are very happy, all of us from Rift Valley and Kenyans as a whole. … [But we] just [want] to?implore?our leaders to address the issue of stadiums. … The Kipchoge Keino Stadium is dilapidated.?And today, Kipchoge has shown the world that we are more than capable,” said?Mandela?Kiplimo,?a resident of Eldoret, about 40 kilometers from the Olympic champion’s hometown of Kapsisiywa.

Having subpar sports facilities that don’t meet international norms is one of the biggest challenges for countries that want to host the Olympic Games. For many of them, it’s just too expensive, said Smith College economics professor Andrew Zimbalist, who edited the book Rio 2016: Olympic Myths, Hard Realities.

“You might read, for instance, that in Tokyo?they spent roughly $15 billion,?or that in Brazil or Rio 2016 they spent $12 to $15 billion. But the?real?numbers?in?Tokyo are above $35 billion, and the real numbers in Rio are above $20 billion,”?Zimbalist told VOA.

Zimbalist?said developing countries face even higher costs.?

“They don’t have the necessary transportation, communications,?and security and hospitality infrastructure,?so the amount of money they have to invest to do it is much, much?larger,” he said. “Sochi spent somewhere between $51 to $65 billion to host the Winter Olympics in 2014. … China — Beijing — spent somewhere north of $44 billion to host the Games in 2008. And the problem is that more often than not, you are constructing infrastructure for the purpose of hosting the?Games,?not for the purpose of solving development bottlenecks in your country.”?

Youth Olympic Games

For?now, Senegal is?preparing to host its?first Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in 2026.

The YOG were added to the Olympics in 2010 to give athletes ages 14 to 18 the chance to compete.

Experts say the YOG in Buenos Aires in 2018 had an Olympic Village with about 4,000 athletes from 260 countries. That contrasts with the estimated 12,000 athletes for the larger Olympics. Generally, experts say, the YOG will require about?one-third?of the investment needed for the?Olympic Games.

FILE – President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach waves the Olympic flag in the Handover Ceremony during the Closing Ceremony during the Youth Olympic Games, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 18, 2018.

While Senegalese officials say they are excited and honored to make history as the first African country to host the YOG, they also understand the responsibility that comes with it.

“There?are expectations from the whole African continent,?and Senegal?has to?organize games that?would live up to the standards of previous Youth Olympics.?And because of that,?Senegal is going to make sure?it’s a?success and serves as a catalyst for mobilizing and engaging Senegalese youth in particular, and African youth in general,” Babacar Makhtar Wade, president of the Senegal Judo Federation, told VOA.

Wade, who is also treasurer of the Senegal National Olympic and Sports Committee, said renovation plans are well?under way.?

“We are planning to first renovate?three?main venues — the?Iba?Mar?Diop?Stadium, which will host track, rugby and other sports. There’s also?our?Olympic pool,?which needs to be renovated. It has an adjacent park, which will host a few events such as the BMX freestyle, basketball 3 on 3 and hockey games. And there is also the Caserne Samba Diery Diallo, where the equestrian-related activities will take place,”?he said.

There will also be venues in hubs outside Dakar including a popular seaside resort that will host beach volleyball, boating and other events, and Diamniadio, site of a new 50,000-seat multipurpose stadium and other facilities. President Macky Sall said at last year’s groundbreaking ceremony that the stadium will be available for future local and international competitions.

Source: Voice of America

JW Player Appoints Digital Video Veteran David LaPalomento as Chief Technology Officer

David’s deep digital video technology background will help scale JW Player’s engineering team and product development to service the growing Digital Video Economy.

NEW YORK, Aug. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JW Player, the leading video software and data insights platform, today announced it has appointed David LaPalomento as Chief Technology Officer, effective immediately. The strategic hire will accelerate JW Player’s product innovation to meet the needs of a rapidly growing Digital Video Economy, leveraging the recent infusion of $100M in Series E funding from LLR Partners.

“David has proven himself to be a visionary leader in both developing and scaling innovative video delivery products,” said Dave Otten, CEO and co-founder of JW Player. “I have no doubt that his expertise will strengthen our position as a leading force for innovation in the digital video industry. With his leadership, we will scale our engineering teams and bring new products to market that further empower customers with independence and control in the Digital Video Economy. We could not be more excited to have him on our team.”

During his decade-long tenure at Brightcove, David built a world-class engineering team to modernize its video delivery platform. He led the overhaul of the company’s legacy data center-based architecture, replacing it with a scalable, cloud-native architecture and migrating thousands of customers to the new platform. His leadership helped triple revenue, launch new products, and integrate acquisitions to address new market segments. His experience will be invaluable as JW Player rises to meet the explosive growth in demand for digital video since the pandemic began.

“I’m thrilled to start the next chapter of my career with JW Player,” said David. “We’ve reached an inflection point where every company with a digital presence now depends on video to engage its audience and monetize its offering. JW Player has built the most comprehensive platform for success in this digital video ecosystem, with unmatched consumption and contextual data insights, cutting-edge monetization and engagement features, and world-class video experiences on any screen. I look forward to building on this platform to bring new innovations to market.”

According to JW Player’s data from over 12,000 publishers and broadcasters, video consumption has continued to surge in the wake of the pandemic, up nearly 50% since 2020 and 28.6% since January 2021. The growing demand has made it an imperative for organizations of all stripes, including fitness, e-commerce, sports and e-learning businesses, to develop a robust video strategy to engage their audience on the screen of their choice: web, mobile or connected TV.

JW Player’s API-driven video platform empowers hundreds of thousands of customers to independently control and operate their mobile, OTT and web video applications at a global scale. Importantly, JW Player delivers unique data-driven insights that empower customers to more effectively grow, engage, and monetize their audiences. In the last year alone, the company’s video streaming grew by nearly 200%, with live streaming increasing by over 400%.

About JW Player
JW Player is the leading video software and data insights platform that gives customers independence and control in today’s Digital Video Economy. Started in 2008 as a hugely popular open source video player, JW Player’s technology platform now powers digital video for hundreds of thousands of businesses, including half of the comScore top 50 sites in the US, leading broadcasters across EMEA, APAC and Latin America. Each month 1 billion viewers, or one third of all people on the Internet, consume video on JW Player’s technology across 2.7 billion devices, creating an unmatched and powerful consumption and contextual data graph that helps customers grow audiences and generate incremental video from digital video. The company is headquartered in New York, with offices in London and Eindhoven, visit

Media Contacts:
Fatimah Nouilati
Scratch Marketing + Media for JW Player

Casio to Release Two-Tone, Purple and Blue Metal G-SHOCK

Two-tone ion plating and metal finish evoke the beauty of Tokyo twilight

TOKYO, Aug. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced today the latest addition to its G-SHOCK line of shock-resistant watches. The new GMW-B5000PB is part of the 5000 line of full metal watches with the square face design of the very first G-SHOCK, and it features purple and blue-gray ion plating (IP).


The GMW-B5000PB is based on the GMW-B5000D, which reproduces the shape of the very first G-SHOCK, but in a metal case. The purple and blue-gray IP finish, a new approach to CMF design,* is inspired by the beauty of Tokyo at twilight when light and darkness interplay. The bezel and band feature a new purple IP hue achieved by tuning the chroma and luminance, along with a deep and sophisticated blue-gray IP. Combined with muted chroma and hairline finish, the watch evokes the image of twilight Tokyo in an integrated total design. The watch face is adorned with splashes of orange and light blue reminiscent of city lights illuminating as the sun sets. The bezel and band are hairline and mirror-finished, which enhances the texture of the metal while emphasizing the interplay of multi-spectrum light.


* CMF design integrates color, material, and finish

The GMW-B5000PB not only receives radio wave time-calibration signals; it is also equipped with Mobile Link functions that pair via Bluetooth® to a smartphone to access Internet time servers and ensure accurate time. Features like alarms and World Time can be easily set from a paired smartphone, and the helpful reminders and phone finder function make for a very useful watch.

Band featuring purple and blue-gray IP

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Casio Computer Co., Ltd. is under license.

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Casio to Release Second Rui Hachimura Signature Model

Design Inspired by the National Flag of Benin, Hachimura’s Ancestral Home

TOKYO, Aug. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced today the release of the GM-110RH, a new addition to the G-SHOCK brand of shock-resistant watches. The GM-110RH is the second signature model designed in collaboration with NBA pro Rui Hachimura.


Hachimura is the first Japanese national ever to be taken in the first round of the NBA draft (2019). This season, Hachimura continues to be a centerpiece of his team, and his impact is expected to grow in the future. Casio signed a global partnership agreement with Hachimura in November 2019 to support him in tackling the tough challenges that lie ahead.

The new GM-110RH is a signature model designed in collaboration with Hachimura, who has been a G-SHOCK fan since he was in school. The GM-110RH is based on the GM-110, which features a metal bezel and a stylish design. The watch face and band loop on the GM-110RH feature yellow, red, and green accents inspired by the colors of the national flag of Benin, Hachimura’s ancestral home. The yellow hour hand, red minute hand, green inset dial, and Y-shaped bridge are laid out for optimum visibility.

The new watch not only comes with a basic black urethane band, but also a urethane band with a West African kente-cloth motif inspired by the traditional clothing of the region — and it is easy to switch between them. Hachimura’s signature “Black Samurai” logo is engraved on the back plate, band loop and special packaging. The symbol (hachi in Japanese, meaning “eight”) represents both his name and jersey number.

Hachimura had this to say about the new model: “The watch draws inspiration from my roots in Benin and Africa, which are very important to me. The band design and watch face evoke elements of Beninese culture and I am delighted at how Casio brought my ideas to life.”

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Casio annonce une montre G-SHOCK bicolore en métal violet et bleu

La finition métallique et le placage ionique bicolore évoquent la beauté du crépuscule à Tokyo

TOKYO, 18 août 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. a annoncé aujourd’hui la dernière nouveauté de sa gamme de montres antichocs G-SHOCK. La nouvelle montre GMW-B5000PB fait partie de la ligne 5000 de montres entièrement en métal au cadran carré inspirées de la toute première G-SHOCK. Elle présente également un placage ionique (IP) violet et bleu-gris.


Le modèle GMW-B5000PB est basé sur la montre GMW-B5000D, qui reproduit la forme de la toute première G-SHOCK, à la différence qu’elle est en métal. La finition IP violette et bleu-gris, une nouvelle approche des concepts CMF*, s’inspire de la beauté de Tokyo au crépuscule, lorsque la lumière rencontre l’obscurité. La lunette et le bracelet présentent une nouvelle teinte de plaçage inionique violette obtenue en accordant la saturation et la luminance, ainsi qu’un plaçage ionique bleu-gris profond et sophistiqué. Avec à une saturation douce et une finition de type hairline, la montre évoque l’image de crépuscule à Tokyo dans une conception totalement intégrée. Le cadran de la montre est orné d’éclats orange et bleu clair qui rappellent les lumières de la ville qui s’illuminent au coucher du soleil. La lunette et le bracelet ont une finition miroir, qui met en valeur la texture du métal tout en soulignant l’interaction de la lumière multispectrale.


* Les concepts CMF intègrent la couleur, le matériau et la finition

Le modèle GMW-B5000PB ne se contente pas de recevoir des signaux d’étalonnage de l’heure par ondes radio ; il est également équipé de fonctions Mobile Link qui peuvent être jumelées via Bluetooth® à un smartphone pour accéder aux serveurs de temps Internet et garantir une heure exacte. Des fonctionnalités telles que les alarmes et l’heure universelle peuvent être facilement réglées à partir d’un smartphone jumelé. De plus, les rappels utiles et la fonction de recherche du téléphone en font une montre très utile.

Band featuring purple and blue-gray IP

Le nom et les logos Bluetooth® sont des marques déposées de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. et toute utilisation de ces marques par Casio Computer Co., Ltd. est sous licence.

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