Globeleq, la première société indépendante d’électricité d’Afrique et ses partenaires, Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. (EDM) et Sasol, ont annoncé la clôture financière du projet électrique Central Termica de Temane (CTT)

MAPUTO, Mozambique, 10 déc. 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Le financement par emprunt du projet de 652,3 millions de dollars américains est assuré par la IFC (Société financière internationale), en collaboration avec ses participants au prêt « B », FMO et Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (conjointement 253,5 millions de dollars américains), US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) (environ 191,5 millions de dollars américains) et le Fonds de l’OPEP pour le développement international (OPEC Fund) (50 millions de dollars américains). L’Agence multilatérale de garantie des investissements (AMGI) a octroyé jusqu’à 251,3 millions de dollars d’assurance contre les risques politiques aux investisseurs du secteur privé.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

Située à Temane, dans la province d’Inhambane, le projet CTT consiste en une centrale électrique au gaz de 450 MW qui fournira de l’électricité à EDMÂ dans le cadre d’un contrat d’affermage de 25 ans. La CTT devrait fournir de l’électricité pour répondre à la demande de 1,5 million de foyers et représentera environ 14 % de la capacité d’approvisionnement en électricité disponible pour répondre à la demande au Mozambique.

Le projet est aligné sur l’Accord de Paris et soutiendra la transition énergétique durable à long terme du Mozambique vers une consommation énergétique nette zéro d’ici 2050. La configuration technique et commerciale flexible da la centrale CTT permet un approvisionnement variable en charge de base et en énergie répartissable et fournira une énergie complémentaire afin que le Mozambique puisse maximiser les projets de production d’énergie renouvelable sur son réseau et poursuivre le développement d’énergie à plus faible teneur en carbone. En outre, les turbines Siemens SGT-800 choisies pour la centrale peuvent être mises à niveau pour gérer une forte teneur en hydrogène, ce qui réduit encore l’impact carbone de la centrale.

Le projet CTT permet également d’ancrer une nouvelle ligne de transmission à haute tension de 563 km (le Temane Transmission Project (TTP)) et de sécuriser la première phase de l’interconnexion du réseau méridional aux réseaux central et septentrional du Mozambique. Cela permettra d’établir un corridor d’électrification, d’assurer un réseau plus stable et plus sûr et de permettre la connexion de futurs projets de production renouvelable. Le TTP appartient à EDM et sera financé au moyen de subventions et de financements concessionnels fournis par la Banque mondiale, la Banque africaine de développement, la Banque islamique de développement, le Fonds de l’OPEP et le gouvernement norvégien. L’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur (développement du gaz, centrale au gaz et infrastructure de transmission) fera l’objet d’un investissement de plus de 2 milliards de dollars US.

« Ce projet novateur pourrait apporter des avantages économiques et sociaux importants en aidant à répondre à la demande croissante d’électricité du Mozambique, en soutenant la reprise économique du pays et la transition énergétique de la région. Il s’agit de notre troisième investissement énergétique au Mozambique, et nous restons déterminés à soutenir le développement durable du secteur de l’électricité du pays », a déclaré Linda Munyengeterwa, directrice régionale de l’industrie pour les infrastructures de la IFC au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique.

Le financement de la DFC pour ce projet aidera la population et les entreprises partout au Mozambique en réduisant le coût de l’électricité et en augmentant la production. Ce sont des gains de développement importants qui stimuleront le développement économique dans les collectivités partout au pays.

Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, directeur général du Fonds de l’OPEP, a déclaré : « Le Fonds de l’OPEP soutient le développement de la centrale électrique de Temane, ainsi que de l’infrastructure de transmission complémentaire, par le biais de ses facilités de prêt aux secteurs privé et public. Notre aide reflète notre engagement envers l’Objectif de développement durable 7 – Une énergie propre et abordable. Une fois achevée, la centrale de Temane permettra d’accroître la fourniture d’une énergie efficace et abordable aux foyers, aux entreprises et aux industries, contribuant ainsi au développement social et économique du Mozambique et de la région. »

Le ministre des Ressources minérales et de l’Énergie, l’honorable Ernesto Max Elias Tonela, a confirmé : « En tant que pays menacé par les pires effets du changement climatique, notre gouvernement soutient pleinement l’Accord de Paris. Nous travaillons sur nos plans de décarbonisation à long terme conformément à cet accord et la CTT est parfaitement en phase avec notre transition, qui comprend également le développement de projets hydroélectriques, solaires et éoliens. »

Le projet sera construit par l’entrepreneur espagnol TSK, qui utilisera la technologie efficace et éprouvée des turbines à gaz de Siemen. TSK possède une vaste expérience de la conception et de la construction de centrales à cycle combiné de taille similaire et tirera parti de son expérience de la construction dans le pays au cours de la période de construction de 34 mois. Le projet CTT devrait générer environ 830 emplois pendant la construction et 90 emplois permanents pendant l’exploitation. Ces chiffres ne tiennent pas compte de l’ingénierie et autres travaux effectués hors site. Les Mozambicains seront prioritaires pour ces emplois, tant pendant la construction que pendant l’exploitation. On estime que le projet soutiendra la création de 14 000 emplois indirects et moyens de subsistance lorsqu’il sera opérationnel en 2024.

Mike Scholey, PDG de Globeleq, a indiqué : « Globeleq s’est engagé à soutenir l’objectif du gouvernement d’atteindre l’accès universel à l’électricité d’ici 2030 et d’avoir un impact positif sur le paysage énergétique régional. Le gouvernement du Mozambique, par l’entremise d’EDM, est un partenaire stratégique de Globeleq alors que nous poursuivons notre croissance pour développer d’autres projets dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables, comme le projet d’énergie solaire et de batteries de Cuamba et d’autres projets éoliens et solaire en cours. »

Le président d’EDM, Marcelino Gildo Alberto, estime qu’« une nouvelle phase s’ouvre désormais dans le secteur de l’énergie, avec EDM ouvrant la voie dans les processus de production d’électricité de plus en plus propre pour promouvoir l’industrialisation du pays et l’exportation vers le marché régional. »

Priscillah Mabelane, vice-présidente exécutive de la division Énergie de Sasol, a déclaré : « Sasol est fière de s’associer à EDM et Globeleq dans le cadre de ce formidable projet de Temane, qui créera des emplois, permettra un approvisionnement en énergie durable et à faibles émissions de carbone et procurera des avantages durables dans le pays. » Elle a ajouté : « Sasol s’engage à contribuer de manière significative au développement du Mozambique. »

La centrale CTT devrait fournir sa première énergie en 2024.

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‘We will leave you alone now’ – Iceman Raikkonen set for last F1 race

Manama, Kimi Raikkonen has created headlines in F1 far beyond his 2007 world title. Now the popular 42-year-old Finn is set for his last race.

Kimi Raikkonen is the last world champion to date for cult team Ferrari but the Finn himself is a cult figure as he leaves Formula One racing after two decades on Sunday.

The 2007 world title for the Scuderia in a dramatic finale against the McLaren duo of two-two reigning champion Fernando Alonso and rookie sensation Lewis Hamilton was the highlight of Raikkonen’s career.

But Raikkonen made himself immortal when he told his then Lotus team via radio to “just leave me alone, I know what I am doing” while en route to victory at the 2012 Abu Dhabi race.

His current Alfa Romeo team duly wrote “Dear Kimi, we will leave you alone now” on his car for his farewell on the same Yas Marina course, said dpa international.

That same year 2012 he tried to get through an escape route after sliding off the track at the Brazilian Grand Prix, only to find himself in front of a locked gate and having to turn around.

“You can get back on the track by going through the support race pit lane but you have to go through a gate. I knew this as I did the same thing in 2001 and the gate was open that year. Somebody closed it this time,” he said at the time.

That year 2001 marked his debut season in F1 at Sauber, after just 23 previous races.

He also drove for McLaren 2002-06, Ferrari 2007-2009 and 2014-2018, returned after a two-year F1 break at Lotus 2012-13, and ended his career at Alfa Romeo 2019-21, winning 21 grands prix, climbing 108 podiums and st for his 349th race Sunday.

Now 42, Raikkonen has competed against Michael Schumacher and his son Mick as well as Jos Verstappen and his son Max who is fighting for the title against Hamilton on Sunday.

“I don’t consider this funny, I like it,” Raikkonen told dpa ahead of his finale. “It is quite nice, I don’t feel old. You only start to feel old when you are old in the head. But I am not feeling old.”

Raikkonen is not known for many emotions and is commonly known as The Iceman.

But he was always popular in the paddock – for his hard racing but also for famous images such as walking through the Bahrain desert in his red Ferrari suit after his car failed, or leaving a Monaco race after a retirement and watching the rest of the race from a yacht.

“It is unbelievable what he has done,” Williams driver Geroge Russell said of Raikkonen, and his former Ferrari team-mate Sebastian Vettel said: “If you have it (a problem with Raikkonen) then he isn’t the problem – it’s you.”

Raikkonen said Thursday that probably “my wife will be more emotional than me,” as wife Minttu and their two children are in Abu Dhabi for his farewell.

He has also said he had no immediate plans for the future at the end of a career in a sport he never took too seriously.

“I always considered my life outside Formula One much more important than Formula One itself. It takes up a lot of your time but Formula One was never the most important thing in my life,” he told dpa.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Getting it together: Extra-regional migration in South, Central and North America and the need for more coordinated responses

This study aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis of mixed migration movements from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean across South, Central and North America — often referred to in the region as “extra-regional migration flows”. Through a combination of key informant interviews and desk research, this report offers information on: the profiles of extra-regional people on the move; the extent of their access to adequate information before and during their journey; the migration routes and means they use; the smuggling economies and dynamics connected to these movements; the impacts of COVID-19 on migration trends and on the experience of people on the move along this route; the risks and needs that extra-regional refugees and migrants face; the humanitarian response they can rely on; the national and regional migration policies and legal frameworks that apply to these migration flows; and the changes they are likely to undergo in the near future.

In recent years, the journey of extra-regional refugees and migrants across the Americas has started to attract more attention. While there is some literature on their profiles and routes, it does not allow for a comprehensive understanding of these mixed migration movements. The analysis included in this report aims to complement existing knowledge and understanding of extra-regional migration and to contribute to better responses by authorities and humanitarian actors.

Source: Mixed Migration Centre

‘We Want Justice,’ Ugandan Climate Activist Says

KAMPALA, UGANDA — The capital of Uganda coughs itself awake on weekdays under a soft blanket of smog. Kampala’s hills come into sharper focus as the morning rush of minibuses and motorbikes fades. It is this East African city that one of the world’s most well-known climate activists, Vanessa Nakate, calls home.

The 25-year-old’s rise in profile has been quick. Not even three years have passed since she set out with relatives in Kampala to stage her first, modest protest over how the world is treating its only planet.

In an interview this week with The Associated Press — which last year drew international attention and Nakate’s dismay by cropping her from a photo — she reflected on the whirlwind. She spoke of her disappointment in the outcome of the U.N. climate talks in Scotland and what she and other young activists plan for the year to come.

“We expected the leaders to rise up for the people, to rise up for the planet” at the talks known as COP26, she said. Instead, the world could be on a pathway to warm 2.4 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial times.

That’s well above the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius — and would be “a death sentence for so many communities on the front lines of the climate crisis,” Nakate said.

Globally, the signs are dire. The Arctic is warming three times faster than the rest of the planet. The dramatic drop in carbon dioxide emissions from COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns has almost disappeared. This year, forests burned in Siberia’s weakening permafrost, while record-shattering heatwaves in Canada and the U.S. Pacific Northwest and deadly flooding in Europe brought the climate threat home to some who once thought they could outspend it.

But many of the most-affected communities are in Africa, whose 1.3 billion people contribute the least to global emissions, less than 4%, but stand to suffer from them most.

That suffering, in some cases, has already begun: Deadly drought fells wildlife and livestock in parts of East Africa, water scarcity hits areas in West and Southern Africa, and hunger affects many millions of people, from Madagascar to Somalia, as a result.

And yet the $100 billion in financing per year promised by richer nations to help developing countries deal with the coming catastrophe has not appeared.

“We cannot adapt to starvation,” Nakate said, her voice soft but firm as the introvert in her gives way to the convictions that have brought her this far. “We cannot adapt to extinction, we cannot adapt to lost cultures, lost traditions, to lost histories, and the climate crisis is taking all of these things away.”

The next big climate conference will be in Africa, in Egypt, a chance for the spotlight to fall squarely on the continent.

It will be a test for activists and negotiators from Africa’s 54 countries who have long jostled for space at global climate events.

In fact, the 77-year-old leader has never been in contact with Nakate, who became one of the world’s most well-known Ugandans not long after graduating from university with a business degree and becoming inspired by climate activism.

In her recent book, A Bigger Picture, Nakate reflects on how leaders’ decisions on climate have real-life consequences far beyond the data that often dominate the conversation.

She worries about how farmers who lose their crops to climate shocks will feed their families, and how lost income can force children out of school and young women into early marriage.

“This isn’t just about us wanting a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,” Nakate said. “We want justice that centers the protection of the planet and the protection of the people because the climate crisis exacerbates poverty first of all. We cannot eradicate poverty if climate change is pushing millions of people into extreme poverty and keeping them in poverty traps.”

Asked how young climate activists can make sure that they are central to decision-making worldwide, Nakate expressed confidence that they are making themselves heard, creating their own platforms on social media and elsewhere.

“If the table is not given to you, you make one for yourself,” she said — a message she could well tweet to her 230,000-plus followers.

In 2022, Nakate’s work will be closer to home as she pursues a project to provide schools in Uganda with solar panels and eco-friendly cookstoves to reduce the amount of firewood consumed.

“I can’t believe how fast this journey has been,” she said as she realized that within weeks it will be the third anniversary of her first climate protest in Kampala. “Activism can be very hard, a lot of work, but it takes love and grace to continue to speak.”

It also takes a certain hope, she said, and as a born-again Christian she finds that hope in God. It helps her believe that “the future you’re fighting for is actually possible and you can achieve it.”

Source: Voice of America

Huawei & Informa Tech Call for Collective Action to Build a Greener Africa at Africa Green ICT Forum 2021

CASABLANCA, Morocco, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Africa Green ICT Forum 2021, co-hosted by Huawei and Informa, concluded on December 7. With a focus on ”Building a Green Africa, Bridging the Energy Gap”, this virtual event brought together industry leaders from Huawei, GSMA, Uptime Institute, Omdia, Chemtech Solar, African Development Bank, Orange Mali, Vodafone Egypt, and Egyptian Petroleum Pipelines Company. These notable industry players called for collective actions to fuel the green ICT growth and accelerate the transition to clean energy across Africa.

As global momentum builds towards carbon neutrality, the time has come to gradually reduce the use and production of fossil fuels in Africa by embracing new technologies.

”Carbon neutrality has become a global consensus and mission. I believe it will be one of the biggest changes in the upcoming 30-40 years. It will not only revolutionize power production and consumption, but also bring about opportunities to upgrade all industries as well as rethink our economy and society,” Dr. Fang Liangzhou, VP and CMO of Huawei Digital Power, said at the Forum.

Dr. Fang Liangzhou, VP and CMO of Huawei Digital Power

Without affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy, there will be digital transformation and little chance of making Africa more economically competitive in the post-pandemic era. Chronic challenges in Africa’s power sector – such as low electrification rates, insufficient and unstable electricity supply, and high prices – have significantly undermined the region’s digital competitiveness.

Huawei has long been a dedicated contributor to the renewable energy transition in Africa. Alvin Gong, president of Huawei Northern African Digital Power business department, shared Huawei’s successful experience and best practices in replacing diesel generators with solar power and ICT Site Power Utilization. ”One cornerstone and two drivers exist for Northern African Digital Power Development. Introducing and implementing policies to promote green energy industry development serves as the cornerstone; while the two drivers refer to solar access and oil removal, and clean and affordable energy access for more people.”

Orange Mali, a leading operator in Mali, is among the first to implement digital,intelligent, and green innovation solutions in Africa to make full use of green energy to reduce carbon emissions of the operation. When speaking about the role of the telecommunication operator in the renewable energy transition, Orange Mali’s CEO Brelotte Ba said, “In many areas in Africa, mobile and data are available even before electricity. Telcos, therefore, have a key role to play in energy transition, by deploying green solutions from the start.”

Industry stakeholders, including Vodafone Egypt, at the event also shared their insights into the important role of the ICT sector in the region’s green growth. ”Desperate times call for desperate measures, our planet needs our intervention,” noted Mr. Ahmed Arnous, senior specialist of Vodafone Egypt, who introduced Vodafone’s diesel reduction journey at the event and shared Vodafone’s vision to purchase 100% of electricity from renewable resources by 2025.

Carbon neutrality cannot be achieved if we work alone. Collective efforts are necessary. The impressive turnout at the Africa Green ICT Forum 2021 has highlighted global interest in green energy. In response to market demand and the increasing push toward clean energy, Huawei will continue to serve Africa and make sustained contributions to the green ICT development.

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Freshworks Helps Africa’s Leading Media Company MultiChoice Deliver a Modern Employee and Customer Experience

Freshdesk helped increase satisfaction scores across 20 million Multichoice subscribers; while Freshservice streamlined internal employee IT support tickets

SAN MATEO, Calif and RANDBURG, South Africa, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH), a leading software company empowering businesses to delight their customers and employees, announced that African broadcasting and pay television company, MultiChoice Group (MultiChoice), uses Freshservice® and Freshdesk® to create faster omnichannel customer support across IT and support teams for South African MultiChoice subscribers.

MultiChoice is the leading video entertainment company in Africa, with more than 21 million subscribers on the continent, and 8.9 million subscribers in South Africa.

“Our South African subscriber base has grown by almost 3 million customers (or 50%) over the last five years. Given this growth and the number of subscribers we support, we needed customer service and technology solutions that could help us track subscriber engagement history while providing an intuitive platform our agents would love to use,” said Roland Naidoo, Executive Head of Customer Operations at ‎MultiChoice Group. “With the integration between Freshdesk and Freshservice, our agents are able to quickly escalate customer queries requiring cross-team support without toggling between two systems. Freshworks puts our most important stakeholders together in one interface. Further to this we were able to set customer level metrics and not just simple process metrics like service levels.”

MultiChoice selected Freshworks’ customer engagement software to build unified customer records across all communication channels. Using Freshdesk, MultiChoice can bring together disparate customer touch points such as walk-ins, call, chat, email, and social media to be visible within a single help desk system, the golden thread being the customer.

This has resulted in increased first call resolution and helped improve customer satisfaction scores. By using Freshworks products, the company estimated a savings of $2.8 million US dollars. Using the omnichannel construct the company has been able to systemically drive down calls at 24% year on year and migrate customers to more digital channels.

The addition of the service management component for second line support using Freshservice gives MultiChoice the ability to further thread the customer issue deeper within the IT organization to identify root causes and simplify analyses.

MultiChoice plans to expand its use of Freshworks in combination with MultiChoice’s own technologies for deeper AI and chatbot assistance through predictive customer engagement.

“Freshsales suite will allow us to tap into real data sources across sales and marketing to quickly and efficiently expand our support operations, while keeping an eye on future growth opportunities. The customer journey is not a simple or easy one to conceive, thread and execute across the business. Freshdesk helps us pull together a unified customer record together into one customer service view for IT and support teams with the ability to integrate with just about any other service capability,” said Naidoo.

Learn more about how MultiChoice partners with Freshworks by reading the case study.

About MultiChoice Group

MultiChoice Group (MCG or MultiChoice), which listed in the Main Board of the JSE on 27 February 2019, is one of the fastest-growing video entertainment providers globally, delivering entertainment products and services to 21.1m households across 50 countries on the African continent. Its track record of more than 35 years is reflective of a commitment to provide audiences with only the best local, sport and international content. For more information visit

About Freshworks

Freshworks makes it fast and easy for businesses to delight their customers and employees. We do this by taking a fresh approach to building and delivering software that is affordable, quick to implement, and designed for the end user. Headquartered in San Mateo, California, Freshworks has a dedicated team operating from 13 global offices to serve 50,000+ customers including Bridgestone, Chargebee, DeliveryHero, ITV, Klarna, Multichoice, OfficeMax, TaylorMade and Vice Media. For more information visit

© 2021 Freshworks Inc. All rights reserved. Freshworks, Freshdesk, Freshservice and the associated logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Freshworks Inc. All other company, brand and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Seegene Rapidly Introduces New PCR Test that Identifies the Omicron Variant, its Stealth Version, and all VOCs in a single tube

The new assay identifies positive COVID-19 cases and distinguishes between Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Omicron and its Stealth version.

SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics company, today unveiled another series of diagnostic test that detects the ever-changing COVID-19 variant landscape. The Novaplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Variants VII assay addresses Omicron and its stealth version, as well as other variants. Seegene believes the new PCR test will be effective in helping governments and health authorities to fight current variants.

Immediately after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a discovery of the Omicron variant, Seegene implemented its AI-based in-silico system to conclude this development within a week.

Novaplex(TM) SARS-CoV-2 Variants VII (RUO)

In a single tube, the new RT-PCR test targets a total of five analytes including the RdRP gene, which confirms positive COVID-19 cases, and three key Omicron S-gene mutations: E484A, N501Y, HV69/70 deletion. And it also targets Endo IC, which serves as a control to verify specimen validity. The assay was validated using variable nucleic acid of COVID-19 samples including Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron cases.


This latest test can differentiate between the Omicron variant and its ‘stealth’ version. The newly emerging stealth version lacks certain features (HV69/70 deletion) that are being targeted by other PCR tests to identify the Omicron variant. Seegene’s proprietary mTOCE technology makes it possible to target multiple genetic mutations in S-gene so this test can accurately distinguish the new Stealth variant from standard Omicron.

“Our scientists diligently monitor the spread and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in all corners of the world, so we can respond as quickly and effectively as possible with timely diagnostic tests,” said Dr. Chun, Seegene CEO. “We’re still learning about Omicron, but all signs point to this variant being even more transmissible than Delta. That’s why we moved so quickly, using our AI based development system to design and develop with high accuracy. We are ready for any upcoming variant challenges.”

As Covid-19 was first emerging in early 2020, Seegene leveraged its development platform and proprietary high-multiplex RT-PCR technology to produce one of the first tests kits for Covid-19 in just two weeks. Today, Seegene is able to rapidly develop new tests ahead of emerging variants using the company’s big data auto-surveillance in silico system. This monitoring has enabled the company to create tests that screen the majority of virus variants that have been discovered globally, using Seegene’s existing COVID-19 assays.

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JinkoSolar signe un contrat d’approvisionnement de modules de 360MW axé sur Tiger Neo avec Tadiran Solar en Israël

SHANGHAI, 9 décembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — JinkoSolar Holding Co. Ltd. (« JinkoSolar » ou la « Société ») (NYSE : JKS), l’un des fabricants de modules solaires les plus importants et les plus innovants dans le monde, qui a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir signé un contrat d’approvisionnement de modules solaires de 360MW avec Tadiran Solar Ltd., l’un des principaux distributeurs sur le marché commercial israélien, prévoit la livraison des nouveaux panneaux solaires TOPCon de type n nommés Tiger Neo de 2022 à 2023. Les produits de type n de Jinkosolar, leader de l’industrie, seront intégrés aux systèmes d’énergie solaire avancés de Tadiran Solar pour les clients commerciaux, gouvernementaux et résidentiels en Israël.

« Cet accord marque une étape importante dans la stratégie de croissance de Jinkosolar, alors que nous menons le perfectionnement technologique à un niveau supérieur sur tous les aspects et que nous continuons de bâtir notre clientèle en production décentralisée », a déclaré Mme Anita Li, directrice générale de l’ACPC. « Tadiran Solar est un leader respecté du marché en Israël et nous sommes ravis de pouvoir marier nos panneaux solaires à haut rendement avec leurs conceptions de systèmes solaires innovants et leurs offres de produits. »

Le contrat porte sur la dernière série de modules ultra-efficaces de type n Tiger Neo de JinkoSolar, qui sera largement commercialisée et distribuée en Israël en 2022, afin de répondre aux besoins de tous les scénarios d’application pour différents secteurs. Le coefficient de température optimisé fonctionnera parfaitement dans le contexte environnemental d’Israël. Avec la branche distribution de panneaux JinkoSolar, Tadiran Solar Ltd vise à devenir l’une des entreprises leader d’Israël dans la fourniture d’une solution solaire complète et exhaustive, tout en augmentant sa part de marché local pour promouvoir le développement de l’énergie renouvelable en Israël.

Selon Eliran Twitto, PDG de Tadiran Solar Ltd : « Grâce aux modules de haute qualité fabriqués par JinkoSolar, Tadiran solar a satisfait 200 MW de commandes en 2021, ce qui constitue également une étape importante pour Tadiran solar et une réussite importante qui couronne ses efforts. Dans le cadre du plan stratégique de l’entreprise pour développer son activité, Tadiran solar est reconnaissant de la confiance accordée par JinkoSolar pour une distribution réussie des produits et solutions de JinkoSolar sur le marché israélien et s’engage à fournir un service après-vente de qualité optimale aux clients. Le contrat d’approvisionnement de 360MW pour 2022-2023 stimulera la croissance future et, espérons-le, conduira à une coopération plus stratégique.

PowerChina shares a common future with its foreign employees as they contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative

BEIJING, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The following is an excerpt from a CRI Online report:

In response to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Power Construction Corporation of China (PowerChina) has onboarded and trained thousands of outstanding talents in the countries and regions targeted by the Initiative after years of efforts, changing the fate of many of their foreign employees. A good example is the Chinese company’s Zungeru hydroelectric project in Nigeria.

As part of the roadmap for the construction of the facility, the Zungeru hydroelectric project had, by the end of 2019, implemented a localization strategy by employing more than 4,200 local employees, representing over 90 per cent of the workforce. One of the foreign employees spoke for many when he said, “PowerChina has created many jobs for us and changed the trajectory of our lives and careers, and we have become united as a community with a shared future.”

Abdul, an assistant manager on the project’s management team, experienced a great change after joining the project, going from suffering from a lack of self-confidence to being able to being able to effectively prioritize his work. “In 2016, I was the first group of Nigerian employees to be awarded the company’s annual Excellent Overseas Employee title. After the project is completed, I will stay at PowerChina, if possible, and continue to make my life better.”

In the emergency center of the project site, Monday, who is stocky and in a white coat, is giving workers a quick screening test for COVID-19. He said, “I appreciate PowerChina for providing me with a steady job and an income that allows me to support and provide for my happy 5-member family! I’m also grateful to the Chinese medical staff for giving me business coaching. I have gained a lot of medical knowledge and operational skills.”

Yaseen and Rawal from Pakistan have an excellent parent-child relationship. “In a burst of confidence, I came to Nigeria from Pakistan, and my son Rawal joined me. Here, everyone gives their utmost and is similarly rewarded in return. If possible, Rawal and I will continue to be one of Power China’s best participants.”

Every foreign employee at PowerChina makes a valuable contribution to B&R Initiative, growing together and sharing a common future. Original link: